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Judgment526 • 2 years ago

"To succumb to the urge to pee is mortifying."

No, it's normal. Don't hold your pee, people.

Anime & Rutabagas • 2 years ago

Don't you know girls don't pee? lol

Veldora • 2 years ago

They don't, but he is a boy in his mind.

Sprayquaza • 2 years ago

h_en_tai has taught me that they pee only after climax.

Vii X • 2 years ago

I'll give this an 8/10. Good story, mostly decent animation, okay pacing. But that CGI for the goblins and demons is kinda jarring.

Sabri alkassas • 2 years ago

right about that..... so compared to the manga the story is all over the place and is too fast paced, they only nitpick certain parts while changing the plot in an uncomfortable way and i dont even need to mention the CGI. Just go read the manga believe me, cause this doesn't give the story justice.

Oukawa16 • 2 years ago

True Hentai gave us some knowledge about girls

Bell Cranel • 2 years ago


OfficialDrixMalone • 2 years ago

LMAO 🤣😂 this comment is hilarious!!

Mr.Gold • 2 years ago

Thanks for the reminder Charmander, this is the thing with traps and gender benders, we often forget their true identities😓

Veldora • 2 years ago

Rusty scrap of gold, your welcome.

a Kid • 2 years ago

I wonder what Veldora thinks of Rimuru since he's basically some "genderless trap" slime

Sweetbabyinc can suck it. • 2 years ago

Aaaah of course!! He has MIND BALLS!!

OfficialDrixMalone • 2 years ago


Guest • 2 years ago
Meroko Yui • 2 years ago

I think before you try to insult people in a conversation about peeing about their username you should note your own username and how it sounds in this conversation can easily be insulted.

SadfaceUwU • 2 years ago

You might’ve missed the joke, Veldora is depicted as a weeb in the show so it’s more like a statement rather than an insult.

Meroko Yui • 2 years ago

Didn't miss it all seeing him make the same comments in other anime here as well that had nothing to do with Veldora.

FURIOUS • 2 years ago

"PEE" ⊙_⊙→๏_๏→●_● [legends only]
But seriously, U get urinary tract infections due to bacteria build-up. It also increases your risk of kidney disease...Ayo i should be doctor | not too late for that
Oh try this - Night Shift Nurses its a real good ANIME about a spectacular doctoe who goes through many difficult situation but never gives up.S...SORRY

Kevin Sears • 2 years ago

Actually, urinary tract infections come from not cleaning yourself properly. the contaminants are external, and enter via the urethra, not exiting the body. Also Kidney Disease is connected to high blood pressure and diabetes, not Urine... please, never become a doctor.

As for the method of excretion: diffusion simply allows high pressure to dispel the waste, the pain you feel is simply the buildup of pressure, and while this can cause mild fissures, its not particularly harmful. its kind of like a split lip, except its the opening of the urethrae hole... this typically heals within a day, although it can be uncomfortable.

Lastly, Until it exits the body and comes into contact with oxygen, Urine is highly sanitary. the body produces ammonia to break down and cleanse itself. Ammonia is a very strong anti-biotic (in that it kills bacteria and fungi) and is used in many sanitary cleaners.
in fact, Urine is an ingredient that has been used historically for several rather fascinating uses:
one use was to treat hides and produce leather
a second legendary use of Urine was by the ostmen(often referred to as Vikings, however, "aviking" is a verb, not a noun) to soak wood. the wood is then dried and instead of burning as a flame, it smolders. they used this to cook on board ships without risking flames near all the rope, tar, sails and drywood that comprises of the top of a ship... this method would eventually (about 200 years of secrecy later) be brought to to the saxons via the danes, and from there, other european nations. allowing one to cook on board a ship greatly improved provisions and the health of sailors.

now the fun part... Yeast infections are a result not of Urine, but Fecal Matter!!! in fact, we use fecal matter in many products today, such as Beer. (typically, cattle and swine are the preferred source for your mass production commercial beers like Budweiser or Miller... for some of their specialty beers, they have cattle with gauge piercings to their stomachs that are plugged and can be opened to harvest from the third of a cows 4 stomachs, the best yeast source.)
tight or dirty undergarments are the most common causes of Yeast Infections from the Candida Albicans strain of Yeast... which is the most common yeast infection, and it comes from poop.

UghhhhhHoliFak • 2 years ago

Aye bro chill JUST PEEE omg ☠️

FURIOUS • 2 years ago

Uh-uhhhhh ok i was just kidding bout doctor part uuuuuuh yes uuh but it increases the risk of kidney disease as u may get kidney stones if there is high content of minerals in urine
And... Kidney stones are a form of kidney disease soo yea...and... If you don’t empty your bladder on a regular basis, the bacteria are more likely to sit and multiply in the bladder. This may lead to urinary tract infecrion...
But still i wont be a doc even if i wanted to be sooooo yea...

Keita • 2 years ago


HD Escone • 2 years ago

bro u didn't have to pull an "ugh ackchually" on the guy

renge • 2 years ago

Nice try... But most of us probably have finish watching that shit

Meroko Yui • 2 years ago

why'd you upvote yourself with unrelated pointless gibberish and I think doctor's are smarter then spouting this so no I don't think you be one.

Mr.Gold • 2 years ago

This gives the same vibes as "kissing is how children are made"😂

Ellias Ainsworth • 2 years ago

look at the golden shower creeps, they're crying now .

norigami • 2 years ago

They also apparently barge in on each other while sitting down on the can.

Lucky Cross • 2 years ago

Try telling yourself that when you work on "the line" (factory conveyor belt).

You don't even have the time to scratch yourself, let alone to go to the bathroom.
If you let your hands stop for even 5 seconds the line gets clogged up.

I sometimes hold my pee for hours on end.

Judgment526 • 2 years ago

That sounds pretty rough...

JustAPassingWeeb • 2 years ago

Yikes... It looks cool on videos but the reality is harsh..hang in there dude

Asheila Bells • 2 years ago

As a medical student, good luck having a renal disease and spend thousands of dollars per hemodialysis.

Oh and have 10-20 years left of your life until your kidneys failed.

xXPORTALXx • 2 years ago

That's how society treats the workers man, that's not to mention the crippling arthritis and copd no less the exposure to neurotoxins and carcinogens... pretty f'd up really

Truth • 2 years ago

none of that is related to renal disease... as a medical student i do hope you get educated correctly before continuing your career path.

Kevin Sears • 2 years ago

you need to hit the books a bit more... or take highschool anatomy and physiology
urine is stored in the bladder. kidney failure is caused by high blood sugars and diabetes, not holding your piss in.

your Kidneys make urone but theyre just below the rib cage and above the intestines. from here, urine travels through tubes called the Ureters, to the bladder, which fills up and holds urine. then when you empty you bladder, it passes through the urethra and out the body...

EVERYONE knows piss is stored in the bladder. ask any third grade kid: when you have to pee its because your _____ is full, and even YOU would have correctly answered bladder before you decided to toss out everything you knew and attend a liberal left wing university that grades you based on virtue signaling with sunshine and rainbows instead of actual knowledge and grades... You are making yourself more ignorant with every liberal class you take.

special_opps • 2 years ago

Hey...you just blow in from stupid town? You're projecting politics where literally no one else gives a shit

OfficialDrixMalone • 2 years ago

Right, this dude just had to bring conservative BS liberal insults like it's worst than what he believes in lol.

Truth • 2 years ago

they were insinuating that holding back your pee causes kidney damage, which would be true if it was a chronic issue resulting in elevated waste in your body forcing your kidneys to work harder. But thats not what holding your pee does... so you're still correct

Marek Zielinski • 2 years ago

That is abuse in workplace, would change this job tbh. And if you cannot for some reason... get a diaper and i don`t mean that as a joke.

Lucky Cross • 2 years ago

"Beggars can't be choosers", as they say. Getting another job isn't easy when you're nearing 40 years of age; Not many companies would hire you. A diaper eh? To think it would come to that... Just kill me. Also, if you think abuse is bad, wait 'til you see the hygiene. Here's some pics: https://imgur . com/a/w7UrhGi
I'm warning you right now, it's not a pretty sight.

Marek Zielinski • 2 years ago

40 years old? Cmon i am 41 and i am sure u can do plenty of professions without being ageshamed tbh This what i would like to say but i understand that there are countries in the world where things can be scetchy at times so i will not say more only bcse i dont know what country you are working in and i do not know the laws of the place are. Still 40 years old? cmon this a time when you went through a lot of this life and probably leared the hard way how to make decisions that are better for you and watched more changes than most of the young force labourerers. IF you belive in yourself and did not spend your whole live as a prince or a princess i am sure you have something to offer to your worklace as long as you want to work hard and show something for yourself. I have 5 pages long CV from 3 countries to show for my work experiance and my work ethics including workplaces that could vouch for me to this day. As long as you worked for your credentials and did not scre things over beggars can be choosers as well

Lucky Cross • 2 years ago

I like people like you. Thanks for the pep talk. Really means a lot. As for my country of residence... I live in Bosnia, and have a salary of 300 Euro a month. That doesn't have any deep meaning. I just wanted to share, for anyone curious.

Marek Zielinski • 2 years ago

Bosnia... a lot of shit happened, and just afterwards Europe forgot everthing bad that happened it is a cheap destination to go for holiday... Don`t get me wrong since i work in hospitality( i am now a night porter, bartender, receptionist and night guard at the same time and i love my workplace here in ireland) if you are good with english maybe it is time to use that skill. Also you are clearly open to to people as well. :) Maybe you just missed your calling

Lucky Cross • 2 years ago

Hmm... People have often told me that they cannot believe that I'm a Bosnian native and that I've never lived/studied abroad, considering how good my English is. (I'm not bragging or anything... I'm just quoting others.) My mother wanted me to be an interpreter/translator, while my father wanted me to be a welder, like him. As stubborn as I am...I chose neither; Always jumping from one job to the other. You can see where that got me. To be honest... I have no goal in life. No drive. No ambition. I have been working many jobs since I was 18... but I only have 10 years of "official" work experience (that counts towards my pension). So that leaves 30 more years until I become eligible for one. And like I said... I'm nearing 40. Still, whining and complaining about my life choices isn't going to change anything. ...Ignore the rant. I just felt like venting.

Marek Zielinski • 2 years ago

a good rant with a person that will not take anything you said for granted and will understand is somehing that does not happen very often yet.... Lucky!
No goals no ambitions going through one work place to another is almost like you described most of my life...trying to fit in and rebeling at the same time.Life tends to be like that for people like you and me ;) The 5 pages of CV were not always a happy story and infact it was a mess of hits and
misfires over 15 years or so. I was thinking the same way you are right now. All over the place without direction or a place i could drop my
anchor. I moved to england after i split with my fiance and after 9 years of so many jobs i did i finaly gained something you can get only by doing your best and following through: confidance in myself and my abilities to adapt. That did not come easy bcse i was crying like a baby on a porch when i was fired from a workplace i was in for a mistake that my manager did....the owner of the agancy that employed me at that time told me: i will give you glowing fucking refarances to any job you will go after that but cant help you with this one. was unemplyend at times i was in debt at times but i never gave up. And just before i moved to ireland my mannagers from the workplace i was leaving said this: just come back and we will take you in in an instant.
Still somewhow i found a bit of a precious heaven in a remote place in irealnd that is popular during tuorist season and i found myself being happy working for a good hotel while advancing to my current position. The owner of the hotel trusts me with training the staff although i am not a manager per say. I trust him to always take care of my paycheck, and provide me with good work conditions as he did for the past 4 years but i did earn it with blood, sweat, and timless trials durnig which i was doing my best to make what i do right now happen. Before that happened i was let of from a place i specificaly came to work in and again was without money in another country with not much support apart from my sister and god i owe her so much for supporting me at that time. I worked under maniacs, idiots and abusers in workplace yet here i am. Writing this to you: Reach out and try something different, don`t be afraid to try bcse if you are unhappy in your place in life moving forward is the only way to go. Use your strenghts and if you do not know what they are start working in more places to find out what you are made of.
Life can be shit but that does not mean you have to roll in it only to survive ;) ^^

Lucky Cross • 2 years ago

I owe you a drink for such a heartfelt reply. This world needs more people like you. I wish you the best in life.

Marek Zielinski • 2 years ago

A drink would be fine... but how about comming to ireland and working your ass of to earn enough to help yourself or your family then?
Contact me prv if you want to talk about it ;)

under date • 2 years ago

Crimson Demon doesn't use the bathroom - megumin

Bowser's Big Bean Burrito • 2 years ago

Maybe she’s referring to the fact that women have the urge to pee more frequently? The uterus takes up space, so the bladder isn’t able to hold as much urine.

At least, that’s what Galko-chan told me. Though the author is a pedo, so I dunno if I should take his words for granted.